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Having great reviews on your website and social media sites is always a great thing for your practice; however, these reviews are not nearly as effective as video testimonials. A video testimonial is a video of a customer, client or business associates praising your office and your clinic. In most cases, they will talk about how your clinic has solved the problem that they had. These people qualify as raving fans, as I have referred to in my article as one of the mindset shifts required to unleash the referral potential of your business.

In this chapter, I have discussed how video marketing can benefit your business and increase your business’s credibility. I have also discussed one of the modern ways to grab your potential patient’s attention: Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Moreover, you will learn the many benefits of testimonials and steps to making testimonials effective, including some Video Production Secrets.

Learn more about how Testimonials can increase your Service and website’s Credibility in my Physicians Cookbook.